VBDoc Version 2.1 Installation Notes VBDOC is shareware. The price for VBDoc is $50.00. The Shareware Registration Number is 3446. Installation may be performed from your hard drive or from a floppy. Place the self-extracting files from this ZIP file (VBDOCX.ZIP) into a temporary directory (a directory whose contents may be deleted at the completion of the installation process) or alternately on a floppy. Then Load windows and run the SETUP.EXE program (in the temporary subdirectory or from the floppy). Do this by selecting Run from the File menu in Windows' Program Manager and typing the temporary directory path and the name SETUP.EXE, e.g. "C:\TEMP\SETUP.EXE" if the files were extracted in C:\TEMP. If you have problems, you may reach us on Compuserve at User ID 76376,737, or you may reach us by FAX at (360) 456-7100. 9/23/94 Fixed the Print all Forms, Print all Modules, and Print Entire Project Options 10/2/94 Changed Date to use International Settings. Fixed problem with printing lines with long variable names. 3/13/95 Removed requirement for Jet Engine. All bitmaps are now stored in a VBX. Fixed problem printing on some dot matrix printers. Put program on a memory diet to try and eliminate memory problems.